Whereas Environmental Health is the management of all those factors in man’s Physical, Chemical and Biological environment which exercise or may exercise a deleterious effect on his complete physical mental and social well-being and survival. As a Licensed professional Environmental Health Officer,
I (Name)……………………………………………………..……………………… ………………………………
1. Shall uphold the laws of Nigeria, perform the duties of citizenship, work with other citizens to uplift the human resource base of Environmental Health profession and cooperate with other professionals in promoting efforts towards Health and development needs of the entire citizenry.
2. Accept that my fundamental responsibility as an Environmental Health Officer is to work to improve and preserve the Environment, alleviate Poverty and to promote Public Health out of an ecological, humanitarian and democratic viewpoint.
3. Shall work objectively and reliably on the basis of Environmental Health principles, legislation and regulations and maintain a high competence within the field of Environment and Health protection, applying a holistic view within my field of competence and work.
4. Shall not do anything, which shall or can or may be misconstrued to bring my integrity or the profession to any disrepute, and maintain my integrity towards others and their legitimate interests.
5. Shall not deliberately, falsely or maliciously injure the professional reputation of another member of the profession for whatever reason.
6. Shall provide services based on human need, integrity of the environment with respect for human dignity, unrestricted by considerations of nationality, race, creed, religion, colour, or status.
7. Shall not use my professional knowledge and skill in any enterprise detrimental in any way to the promotion of Environmental Health in particular and Public Health in general.
8. Shall respect and hold in confidence all information of a confidential nature obtained in the course of performance of my professional duties unless required by law or a superior officer to divulge same.
9. Shall participate in all Environmental Health professional organisations as demanded by the Council.
10. Shall participate responsibly in defining and upholding minimum standards of professional practice and continuing professional education.
11. Shall maintain professional competence and demonstrate regard for the competence of other members of the profession, and shall not lay claim to competence I do not possess.
12. Shall assume responsibility for my professional actions and judgement, both in dependent and independent functions, and uphold the laws, which affect the practice of Environmental Health profession always.
13. Shall through the professional organisation, participate effectively and responsibly in the establishment of terms and conditions of employment for the profession.
14. Shall participate in the study of, and act on all matters of legislation affecting Environmental Health profession and the services of the profession to the public.
15. Shall adhere to the highest standards of personal ethics, which reflect creditably upon my personality and accord due regard to my profession.
16. Shall adhere to prescribed dress code while on duty and shall maintain the dignity of the profession in every manner of dressing.
17. Shall protect the general public from harm by not delegating to a person less qualified any duty or services, which requires the professional competence of an Environmental Health Officer.
18. Shall refuse to participate in unethical procedures and processes and shall assume the responsibility to expose incompetence or unethical conduct from others to the appropriate authority.
19. Shall serve my client faithfully and avoid any situation that may give rise to conflict of interest between me and my client and shall make full disclosure where such conflict occurs.
20. Shall protect the legitimate interest of my employer, perform my job honestly and maintain professional standard; and shall endeavour to treat my employees with respect, offer fair remuneration and provide safe working environment for my workers.
21. Shall support my colleagues in their professional development and provide opportunity for the development of new entrants to the profession, and regard students under my tutelage as public trust for the promotion of learning and professional development.
22. Shall keep myself abreast with development in the profession, willing to share ideas and information with other members and where necessary, with the general public, keep accurate records, maintain integrity in all conduct and publication and give due regard and credit to the contributions of others.
23. Shall consider and anticipate the environmental consequences of my work and act in a manner to avoid pollution and to protect the environment.
So help me God.
Signature ………………………………………………………….…… Date ………………………………….
Registration No. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….